It’s been a long time since last update, but we finally have something new to offer you with a the brand new release of Xaros’ 7″ EP Not My Scene !
Co-produced by seven DIY labels, this release features a new lineup, although not the present one anymore, playing a more punishing grindcore than what stands on their debut LP Fat & Furious LP.
On forthcoming releases, we should receive TERSANJUNG XIII / TERLARANG split EP soon, if we haven’t been ripped off of course. CHIENS / LYCANTHROPHY split EP is at the final stage of artwork, as well as MAGNICIDE’s debut LP.
Distribution hasn’t been updated since last year, we’re deeply sorry about that, but we miss time for stock management and are still hoping to update it as soon as possible.
Last but not least, we’re working on a second edition of GRINDING DELÉMONT FESTIVAL which should take place in May 2014, still at SAS Delémont. More news will follow soon about this.