It’s been a while but here are some news from the laziest grind label ever, as two (no, it’s not a typo) new releases just appeared over the previous two months!
First is the 12″ single-sided debut LP from french west coast power violence trio GHETTO, featuring some CHIENS and MONARCH members. This is short, fast and loud at its best and there’s a beautiful laser draw on the B side perfect to stare at after getting stoned and having ears crushed. This is brought to you through a four labels co production with I Feel Good, Amertume and Black Lake Records.
Then we unexpectedly got the news a few weeks ago that the long-awaited (and already buried in the never to be released section) 12″ single sided LP of Chinese grind combo S.C.O.D. (Speak Chinese Or Die) did finally appear out of the pressing factory after more than three years without any news from them! This 12″ single sided features 17 track of jumpy grindcore straight from the depths of the Middle Kingdom and is released by a 5 labels co operation involving 5 Feet Under, ADGD, Don Carlos and Zepprod.
So yes those two 12″ single sided releases are available now, and although we’re lazy fucks smoking and drinking too much to update our distribution list on this website, feel free to write if you want to get your hands on these vinyls. Cheap price but expensive shipping costs guaranteed.
By the way, a next release is also planned between French best looking grinding duo WARFUCK and Mexican D.F. grind cartel leaders INTO SICKNESS. It was supposed to get out this year, so we’ll simply hope it won’t take as long as we do to update the distro list.
Finally as it must be stated somewhere, here it is, GRINDING DELEMONT FESTIVAL is no more and will not happen again, be it next year or any other. We’d like to say a huge thanks all the bands (except some headlining assholes), all the volunteers and anyone involved, attending the five editions and who made this event a blast we’ll definitely keep long-lasting memories from.
Keep grinding buds and supporting DIY !